
Home > Forum > "Requiescat: Investigation into the death of Tchaikovsky" (short movie italian, on the death of Tchaikovsky)

"Requiescat: Investigation into the death of Tchaikovsky" (short movie italian, on the death of Tchaikovsky)

As an Italian, I am happy to report this latest little short film about the death of Tchaikovsky:

Requiescat: Indagine sulle morti di Čajkovskij (2013)
(Requiescat: Investigation into the deaths of Tchaikovsky)

A film by Alberto Luchetti and Ottavio Plini

Creation of Ottavio Plini

Photography of Marco del Rosso and Alberto Luchetti


  • Giacomo Beria (Tchaikovsky)
  • Attilio Constantino (Congiuratore)
  • Stefano Falotico (Voice Inquisitor)
  • Valerio Vannini (Modest)
  • Monica Maria Seksich (Nadezda von Meck)
  • Alberto Luchetti (Alexandre Stenbok-Fermor)

14 minutes

This is a presentation of the creators:

One hundred and twenty years ago, on the night of November 6, 1893, Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky died in St. Petersburg, in the apartment of his brother. The causes of death are still mysterious, with at least three situations are very different. What would happen if they were called three witnesses close to the composer over the last days to tell each one of these versions? And who, if not Tchaikovsky same, could have the last word on the issue? The notes of his Sixth Symphony, completed a few weeks before, there will be companions on this journey, opening the the extreme truth of this great man.

I understand that I need subtitles to appreciate and judge the film outside of Italy. Maybe this will be done.

But I have summarized as the authors of the film, make talk Tchaikovsky at the end:

"No. .. no ... no ... The secret of my life and my death, it is only in my arte.Il my most intense desire was to render in my music, those words ... The words of Christ: 'Come to me, you who are suffered, and you who are oppressed, and you shall be comforted ...'
I sacrificed my life for my art ... and now my art lives for humanity! "

The film is semi-professional of young authors, but it seems to me interesting, honest and valid.

Antonio Garganese
(Prato, Florence)
09/05/2013 01:34

I found this rendering and explanation of Tchaikovsky's end sensitive..tho familiar with Italian I found the conversation muddled and the suicide point of view pretty much discredited....A short film of only 14 minutes long...we have gone through this material of Tchaikovsky's death time and time they actually introduced the composers lover the supposed youthful Stenbock..through out the Pathetique thundered ominously..yes I know its more romantic and dramatic to have the composer ordered to die by the court of honor again here featured....but if you know enough of Tchaikovsky's life you know he was not the suicidal type...leaving aside the theory of the court of honor etc.....and so sensitive as this short video was I for one who's views are based on Poznansky's research into the matter cannot accept his suicide.....the various actors played their roles with sympathy.....if this movie was expanded it could make a possibly interesting and sympathetic interpretation of the composers life...

Albert Gasparo
12/05/2013 04:05

This is the English version (subtitles) of the short film!

Have fun! 

Antonio Garganese
12/05/2013 16:36

Having watched and heard the version with English sub titles it was more intelligible for me...again as before I say it was a sensitive attempt to interpret Tchaikovsky's death....yes there were certain fabrications..I believe even the brother Modest says he is not sure what happened....a well done job...and thanks to Signor Garganese...!..

Albert Gasparo
12/05/2013 22:45

Watched the film..dreadful..we don`t need anymore of this conspiracy, suicide, court of honour drivel. Why don`t we get any version of the truth, as Poznansky researched and documented?

The 6th Symphony, wasn`t the only music project Tchaikovsky was working on, when he died from the complications of cholera, but it was the one, unfortunately, he decided to change the order of the movements of, which has the slow movement at the end....

Anyone bet he`d have used his usual Symphony movement order, if he`d any notion of this persistent suicide myth ( which I don`t believe was in his nature either!),

Rosemary Belk
13/05/2013 18:30

In answer to Rosemary Belk's question...the fact of the matter is that fiction or fantasy is more interesting then the prosaic reality...conspiracy theories are always more intriguing...we had this discourse already with "Amadeus"...where the author couldn't dwell upon the bare facts but had to conjure up the old wives tale of Salieri being the criminal gum, even Rimsky Korsakov came up with an opera on "Mozart and Salieri" intrigue, mystery, dark shadows moving in the night, going who knows where, doing who knows what is what brings people to the theatre....fantasies even make our lives more rich...when the visible fails us we turn to the invisible where anything is possible to assuage man's mortality for instance and his obsession with religion and the life after death....think of all the great works of religious art all based on our least that's how I see it...reality for some is not enough...

Albert Gasparo
14/05/2013 00:10

I was reluctant to speak to thisyopic due to my total lack of Italian, but Ms. Belk, totally agree with Monsieur Gasparo, (again!-- Goddammit-- Albert! (Hahahahhah!)) and feel the creators of this short film should be commended. If for nothing else, their sheer creativity and willingness to explore. Wish there were English subtitles!


George Boyd
Montreal, Canada
14/05/2013 08:49

P.S.: Forum, pls keep up great work These threads, (I've been unable to visit for a little while) are getting even more lively and intriguing!

Mr. Boyd, if you scroll up a bit you will find the film with the English sub titles thanks to Mr Garganese....I found it moving and evocative....even with the liberties taken...

Albert Gasparo
14/05/2013 15:24

I am very pleased that the short film, has attracted interest, and I still hope. I reported to the authors the publication in this Forum, and Mr. Alberto Luchetti is happy with co-author Ottavio Plini.

Mr. Luchetti wrote to me:

...I thought precisely to propose a vision on websites lovers of the matter, as far as, of course, the short film is not entirely faithful to the hypothesis of the literature on the subject. More than anything else you start from the suggestions biographical and we make a use, sometimes also instrumental for the specific purposes of the film. I am very pleased, however, that it is pleasant and not silly within of its contents. The risk would be to disturb for nothing a very great man as Tchaikovsky...

On the other hand, Mr. Albert Gasparo, always so kind, attentive and respectful has highlighted the issue. I very much agree with friend Albert that this short film, it could be a starting point for a film major.

With the technique of the flashback and flashforward. Modest could tell you about the side tied to the family (brothers, sister, father, especially the mother ...).

The count Stenbok-Fermor the side tied to the loves and passions of the musician, including his nephew Bob (with all the implications).

The von Meck the very special relationship between them and the connections that are intertwined with the first two components (family and lovers).

The figure of Antonina could find a place here ...

And the three theories of death could continue to be maintained as true, as seen in the short film. But the ending would be exactly what you see in this little movie now. The explanation lies only in the art.

But I admit that I pushed too hard, for passion.

Thank you all and sorry again for my English not always smooth.

Antonio Garganese
14/05/2013 18:00

I suggested to the authors of the film my ideas. Mr. Luchetti wrote to me:

Who knows. Perhaps, sooner or later, comes out a full-length film all depends on the money!

"Tchaikovsky has a feature miraculous, that it has joined a life so deep, with a rare capacity to reach directly to the heart of a spectator also inexperienced. In this sense, it is ideal for this type of operation. "

I agree with Mr. Gasparo. The invisible is clearer than visible, or at least comforter!

Antonio Garganese
15/05/2013 13:03

Astounded by any suggestion, that Tchaikovsky`s death wasn`t caused by Cholera, is a travesty of the truth..and what this website has especially been striving for? read the truth in A. Poznansky`s `Tchaikovsky:A Life specially written for this particular, the `Epilogue`

And to say that `the fact of the matter is that fiction or fantasy is more interesting then the prosaic reality.`..need to look at the remarkable man and the truth/facts about Tchaikovsky`s life..there`s absolutely nothing remotely `prosaic`about him, no invention necessary, and insulting to Tchaikovsky.

Rosemary Belk
19/05/2013 23:38

Rosemary, I did read Poznansky's books esp the one on "Tchaikovsky's Last Days", which convinced me that the suicide conspiracy theories were a fallacy...

Regarding what I said that fiction or fantasy is more interesting than the prosaic reality....that referred to the movies like "Amadeus" where the author felt compelled to augment Mozart's life with fiction to make it more exciting..and as a play it was a big hit on almost any biography of a composer we have had a romantization of their lives....what I did say was that "Amadeus" fabrications and all was a better movie than the attempts at creating a film on Tchaikovsky so far....I have read more than twenty books on or about this composer and am well versed in the various fortunes of his life....but is our every day life that interesting to the public? far that has not been the case...the Russian film directed by Talankin is a case in point...he tries to be closer to reality with exceptions and the result was mere boredom....on the other hand Russell's..."The Music Lovers" which is almost all pure fantasy with gross exaggerations of Tchaikovsky's life was a much more engrossing film than the Talankins....and so no insult was intended...and until I see a movie on this composer's life that is an exact replica of his life and a great success I will hold on to these views.....have a good day..

Albert Gasparo
20/05/2013 21:25

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